Story :
Set in the backdrop of 1970s, when an independent Bangladesh was formed. The story is of two friends Bikram (Ranveer Singh) and Bala (Arjun Kapoor) who are now based in Calcutta. As kids Bikram and Bala start their journey by stealing coal from train eventually makes them the biggest coal mafia in Calcutta city. They are inseparable friends too.
However things change between the two best friends as both Bikram and Bala fall in love with a cabaret dancer Nandita (Priyanka Chopra). Meanwhile ACP Satyajeet Sarkar (Irrfan Khan) will be deployed to put an end to the illegal coal business and also Bkiram and Bala.
Will ACP Sarkar manage to put an end to Bikram and Bala ? What about Nandita forms the entire plot.
Analysis :
It is completely an outdated story but the way movie was presented is very good. The biggest asset of this movie is Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor. Generally chemistry between heroes won't be enough convincing but the chemistry between the Raveer and Arjun is a huge plus point to this movie. The first half of the movie is simple and routine. The second half pulls the strings and keeps the audience engaging till the end with ample of twists and turns. The climax is bit emotional.
Performance :
As we said Ranveer and Arjun are the show thiefs. They out performed each and every actor in this film and gave a stunning performance, might even fetch them awards. Priyanka sizzled as cabaret dancer and matched the role. Irrfan Khan again delivered a mind blowing performance as cunning police officer.
Final Word:we can say Gunday is old wine in new bottle but they never taste bad. Go watch it!
Gunday Releases on 14th FEB 2014