The story of Aakasam lo Sagam revolves around a married woman and her travails. Vasu, played by Asha Saini, is torn between the limitations of her marriage and what she is capable of. An intelligent woman, Vasu is an ignored wife. Her husband does not give her much credit for all the hard word that she puts in. Rather, he supports his mother and sister. Additional trouble is provided by her mother in law with interfering tactics.
Vasu is obviously hurt. Her husband is least bothered about her comfort or safety, which is shown as the movie progresses. He even goes as far as hitting her. A compassionate brother in law, played by Ravi Babu, is her ray of light. Vasu and her husband's brother strike up a rapport that develops into an intimate relationship. When the closeness comes out in the open, the troubled woman blames her husband's indifference and his brother's opportunistic attitude for the whole affair.
Analysis :
Aakasam lo Sagam takes the plot forward in the form of a flashback, where Vasu is explaining her past to her daughter. The film has a very backward attitude throughout. Though a book adaptation, the film's makers might have portrayed the story of a troubled marital relationship in a better manner. Treatment of the various characters is depressing and showing only the negative side of something that happens in many households is not helpful. There is no learning curve anywhere in the film that families can take a leaf from.
Performance :
With the characters trying to portray reality, performances are something that will give you a glimpse into how everyday people manage their lives. The actors do what was asked of them.
Final Word: This is a film that will either spoil your day or put you to sleep.