The prema kaavali, poolarangadu fame actress had done an act that has not done by any other star heroine till date, at least to our knowledge. The actress who is doing the role of Kangana Raunat done in tanu weds manu in the remake version of the film titled as Mr. Pellikoduku, apparently sat near the editing table and made certain sequences of her being removed from the film. Sequences that highlighted Isha smoking on screen became a threat to the actress as she was afraid of her good girl image being downsized, according to the sources. So, the actress managed to convince her good friend, hero of the film Suneil and made these sequences being chopped.
But the director of the film Devi Prasad has a complete different version to say. He says, 'I don't know from where these kinds of rumors would crop up. Isha has always admired her role and gave her best shot in the film. There is no editing of any sequence of her', said the director.
Okay, if everything is going on so very well then no problem at all...