It was during the recent Award function titled 'Zee Cine Awards', Arjun Kapoor, elder Son of Boney Kapoor from his first wife, bagged the Award in the category of Best Debutant for his Ishakzade... the Actor had to share the Award with Ayushmaan Khurrana who bagged the Award in the same category for Vicky Donor. Arjun walked on to the podium, after taking the Award and looked at his father Boney Kapoor who was sitting with his wife Sridevi, and said, 'Dad, this one is for you'... Arjun also remembered his Mother, who is no more and said, 'My mother has been my support system all through her life'... Arjun has also dedicated the Award to Salman Khan, he said, 'When no one else including me could not even think of me being an Actor, Salman Bhai saw something in me and what I am wondering till date. I am what I am today, just because of the support of Salman Bhai and can never forget him. Bhai, this one is for you', said the Young Actor...
Arjun definitely has a long way to go.