Multi-facted actor Dr Kamal Haasan is known for his versatility and variations. His daughter Shruthi Haasan who failed to make an impact with her two films in Kollywood, hit the bulls eye with Gabbar Singh in Tollywood. The grapevine is abuzz with the fact that the father-daughter duo might act together in a home production.
Well the gossip got its wings when the veteran speaking on the launch of his latest trilingual venture Viswaroopam at Hyderabad, mentioned about the possible combo. In his address he said that a story was being considered for the film which shall have both the father and daughter. He said that it was delayed due to the fact that Shruthi needs to prove herself in Hindi.
The starlet is right now doing two films in Hindi and subsequent to their releases, the new film would go down to floors. It would be a trilingual flick and would have a hoard of well known names attached to the project. The film would be simultaneously released across the globe in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil. (Wishesh AarKay)