On Friday Ekta Kapoor was all over the social networking sites, especially the microblogging site, Twitter. No she was not making a new movie or a soap. She told an elderly person to F**k off since he was in her way at a bank!
A website owner, Anisha sharma narrated the incident on a social networking saying, 'A woman at the bank just called my father an 'old fool' and told him to 'f*** off', because he was in her way. This was Ekta Kapoor...'
Ekta Kapoor was immediately contacted by the media and questioned if the same was true. She said that she had a bad experience herself. She said that she was feeling bad about the incident but the person trying to make it viral is trying to garner some cheap publicity.
Anisha on the other hand said that she wanted the world to know the rude nature of Ekta only through the social networking sites adding that her dad didn't want to say a word about it.
Whether the person is trying to gain publicity or not, you don't tell an old man to F**K off just because he is in your way. This is India where we respect out elders. Ekta should have learned her lesson by now.
(AW- Anil)