Let the Director be a star director or a new comer... if he manages to make a film within a minimum budget possible and yet get a best of the output from it, make the film eligible enough to entertain the audience and earn back the production cost invested, then that director is sure to have a great going career in Film Industry… in fact more than any other language, this analysis is really working positive in our T-Town... and 'Ee Rojullo's director Maruthi is the best example for this...
The director suddenly came into lime light with complete youth entertainer 'Ee Rojullo', that released last summer and managed to entertain the audience… the movie attained a success after release, majorly because of the mouth publicity… another youthful entertainer from this director, titled 'Bus Stop is all set for a release and now the news is prestigious Geeta Arts Banner is making a film in the direction of Maruthi… more details about this film are yet to be known…
Wow! Now this is what we call a proper 'break' in the career… let’s see how Maruthi will utilize this opportunity…