It has been more than 3 years Mega Star Chiranjeevi has quite films and took up Politics as a career option. Even today, despite Mega Power Star Ram CharanTej and Power Star PawanKalyan from Mega family, entertaining the audience with their films and performance, Mega fans are aspiring to see their ‘hero’ doing his 150th film.
More recently, after a lot of speculation, even Chiru has announced his decision to act in 150th film soon. Now, the ground work about the cast and crew and the story of the film is going on, as per the sources. Apart from the never ending speculation about the start date of the shoot of the film, now we get to hear news that Veteran producer and owner of Suresh Productions banner D Ramanaidu have recently expressed his willingness to produce a movie with Mega Star Chiranjeevi.
He said that he approached Chiru for the same and the actor too gave his nod to do a film with Movie Moghul Ramanaidu. Ramanaidu earlier produced Chiru's Sangharshana movie. The producer also said that the collections of the movie will be used for charity acts and social service activities.
Otherwise, it was announced earlier that Ram CharanTej would produce his father’s 150th film. Now, what would be the end result and who would get the opportunity to produce this pakka paisa vasool flick, have to be yet announced officially.