Everyone was more than confident on Naga Chaitanya’s out and out action, mass and love entertainer, ‘Dhada’ to be a Block buster success. But, the film released on last Thursday, down sized every body’s expectations. ‘Dhada’ was announced as an average success. Kajal Agarrwal’s glamour, Naga Chaitanya’s hard work to fit into the out and out commercial hero, the technical values, Devi Sri Prasad’s ‘dhamaakedaar’ music scores, Ajay Bhuyan’s screenplay and direction, nothing helped much for the success of the film. on the other hand, Ram’s ‘Kandireega’, that was earlier speculated to be a average success, turned out to be a block buster, after its release on Friday.
There is a notion in Indian Cinema that, no matter what, to forget about whom so ever is playing the lead role, if the story of the film caters to mass audience with sufficient mass elements in it, then the movie will turn out to be a definite success. But, the result of ‘Dhada’, broke this formula.
Now, Mahesh’s ‘Dookudu’ and Ram Charan’s ‘Raccha’ are at a tension, on weather this films will be a success or just like any other average success. Only audience can decide the fate of this films, though.