(Image source from: Instagram.com/alwaysramcharan)
Ram Charan was scheduled to join the Game Changer movie shoot on Saturday, but the actor pushed the schedule further because of a minor injury on his face. Ram Charan reportedly commenced with the injury just two days before the shoot. Details of his injury are kept under wraps, reports say that he was injured at his home.
After first aid, RC visited the doctor, where he was advised rest for 10 days. This concludes that Shankar’s Game Changer shoot was pushed for more than 10 days. Shankar is a busy man, who is already juggling between Indian 2 and Game Changer, now we have seen Shankar’s call, whether he resumes earlier and continues to shoot scenes which don’t involve Ram Charan. Beside this a high-octane action sequence was scheduled to kick start from October first week under the choreography of Anbariv.