YSR Biopic Yatra Release Date:- Two prestigious biopics of Telugu legendary politicians NTR and YS Rajasekhar Reddy are on cards. While NTR is hitting the screens during Sankranthi, YSR biopic titled Yatra has been announced for December 21st release. But with a mad rush of films, the makers decided to push the film's release to February. The entire shoot of Yatra has been wrapped up and the film is now announced to hit the screens on February 8th across the globe.
Mahi V Raghav is the director and Malayalam actor Mammootty has been roped in to play the lead role. Yatra focuses on the foot march of YSR that brought him and Congress back to power. 70mm Entertainments bankrolled the movie which has been made on a massive budget. Yatra will release in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam languages simultaneously.