Superstar Mahesh Babu is Rishi: Superstar Mahesh Babu is busy with the shoot of his next film which is directed by Vamshi Paidipally. The movie is said to be an emotional entertainer and the shoot of this movie is taking place in Hyderabad. Pooja Hegde is the female lead in this untitled film which marks the 25th film of Mahesh. The makers recently unveiled the logo of the film and the film's director Vamshi has been releasing special posters hinting about the title.
#SSMB25... Superstar @urstrulyMahesh is "RISHI"... Meet "RISHI" and Join His Journey on the 9th of August.. :)
— Vamshi Paidipally (@directorvamshi) August 7, 2018
Vamshi Paidipally today revealed that the Mahesh's role has been named Rishi in this untitled film. However it is still unclear about the film's title. The title of this movie will be released on August 9th on the eve of Mahesh's birthday. Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music and Dil Raju, PVP and Ashwini Dutt are jointly bankrolling this big budget thriller. The movie has been announced for release on April 5th, 2019.