Sensible Director locked for Chaitu’s Next: Akkineni’s young actor Naga Chaitanya made his place prominent in Tollywood and the actor has been lined up with interesting films. After a small break, the actor started shooting for his next film titled Savyasachi which is directed by Chandoo Mondeti. This action thriller has been slated for summer release and it features Nidhhi Agerwal as the female lead. The actor has also been shooting for his next film in the direction of Maruthi. Tentatively titled Sailaja Reddy Alludu, Anu Emmanuel is the female lead and the regular shoot of this romantic entertainer kick-started last week.
The latest news we hear is that Naga Chaitanya gave his nod for sensible director Shiva Nirvana who made an impressive debut with Ninnu Kori last year. The young director impressed Chaitu and is penning the final draft of the film. DVV Danayya will bankroll this prestigious project and Kona Venkat is penning the screenplay. The regular shoot of this untitled film will start rolling this year during the second half. Chaitu is quite excited about the film.