After NTR, YSR's Biopic On Cards:- Ever since Nandamuri Balakrishna announced that he would step into the shoes of his father legendary actor NTR's role on screen, Tollywood audience have been left delighted. In no time, a series of films on NTR have been announced. Before one could forget this, legendary politician and AP's Ex-Chief Minister YS Rajasekhar Reddy's biopic is now on cards.
Mahi V Raghav who made his impact with Anando Brahma recently has been working on the biopic of the legendary politician. The film has been titled Yatra and will be majorly focused on his padayatra and how he retained the power in AP. Mahi V Raghav confirmed the happening but it is quite early to reveal much as the film is still in scripting stage. The cast, crew will be finalized once the entire script of the film will be wrapped up. Vijay Chilla and Shashi Devireddy who produced Anando Brahma will bankroll this prestigious project informed Mahi V Raghav.
The journey of YS Rajasekhar Reddy along with padayatra and how he emerged as a dominating leader in Congress and how he managed to win the hearts of the Telugu people will be narrated informed a source. There are speculations that King Nagarjuna has been approached for the lead role however the makers clarified that they are still in scripting stage and the cast, crew will be finalized once they wrap up the complete script.