Tamil actor Vishal has been striving in his career though the actor has been busy with back to back films. He has produced movies on his prestigious Vishal Film Factory banner.
A General Secretary of Nadigar Sangham, Vishal has been even active in Tamil Nadu Producers Council. However, during his recent communication with Vikatan magazine, Vishal made some questionable remarks which left the Tamil Nadu Producers Council in deep shock.
He admitted that the TNPC has not been taking care of piracy and they are not fighting against it.
He even said that he "will form a team that will fight against the piracy in the coming days."
For this TNPC asked the actor for an explanation. Vishal appeared before TNNPC on November 12th. The committee felt that the actor's answers were not satisfying. Hence they suspended his membership with Tamil Nadu Producers Council.
Vishal is yet to talk on this and he is presently busy promoting his next film "Okkadochaadu". The movie is set to release on November 18th.
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