Manchu Vishnu is currently shooting for his latest movie Dynamite and the movie is in final stages of shoot. Deva Katta who directed films like Prasthanam and Autonagar Surya is directing the movie and he has taken enough care on the script of the film. The movie is an official remake of Tamil super hit movie Arima Nambi starring Vikram Prabhu and Priya Anand. The movie is said to be a thriller and it minted huge money in Tamil Nadu because of the thrilling elements in the movie.
The first look motion poster of the movie has been released today and Vishnu has been completely showcased in a new look with thick beard and muscled body with tattoos. The music of the movie has been composed by Anup Rubens and Pranitha Subash is the heroine in the movie. Manchu Vishnu is producing the movie on 24 Frames Factory banner and the movie will complete shoot and will release in June. Vishnu has been specially trained in martial arts for the film in Bangkok for a month and the stunts are said to be the highlights of the movie.