Superstar Rajinikanth starring 'Lingaa' has clear the censor formalities and got an 'U' certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification [CBFC], making it a watchable for all age groups. Also the film crossed the legal hurdle and is all set for a massive release on December 12th which happens to Rajini's birthday. It would be first time ever in Rajini's 40 years career, that a film of his is releasing on his birthday.
The director of the film, KS Ravikumar posted in his Facebook page, “Glad and happy to share #Lingaa movie is censored and Certified U. Get ready to watch the movie on our #superstar #Rajinikanth Birthday. MOVIE RELEASE ON 12TH DECEMBER 2014.”
Lingaa also stars Sonakshi Sinha marking her debut down the South and Anushka Shetty. AR Rahman scored music.