Salman Khan's sister Arpita Khan is all set to get married tomorrow and here we have an exclusive update. Apparently Salman Khan will be gifting her darling sister a apartment worth Rs 16 crores which is situated in one of the poshest areas of Mumbai – Carter Road. This apartment is also very much close to Galaxy apartments where Salman stays with his family.
The wedding will take place in Falaknuma Palace and it is the most expensive wedding. Reportedly, the entire hotel was booked for two days at Rs 1 crore per day and Bollywood, Tollywood and political personalities are invited of this big fat wedding.
Shah Rukh Khan has visited Salman's place yesterday for the pre-wedding bash and the photo of SRK with Arpita and Salman went viral in the net. There are also reports that SRK gifted Arpita hand bags of international brands as Arpita is freak of collecting bags.
(AW: Vamshi)