Tamil actor Vijay and director AR Murugadoss were booked in a defamation case for making a reference to the 2G spectrum case in their recently released Tamil action flick 'Kaththi.' The complaint was over a a dialogue in the film which suggests that corruption "had occurred" in the 2G spectrum case. The complaint was filed by Ramasubramanian and claimed that the case is still court and cannot be used in films.
The court granted permission to file the petition and adjourned the case till Nov 11. Notices are also served to Vijay and Murugadoss in this regards. 'Kaththi' was released for Diwali and garnered very good response from the audience. However, from the beginning the film has been getting into controversies and with fresh issue, the makers are upset over the happenings.
Kaththi is the second combination of Vijay and Murugadoss after Thupaki. The film has Samantha in the female lead role who also tasted first success in Kollywood.
(AW: Vamshi)