Megastar Chiranjeevi's nephew Sai Dharam Tej was supposed to debut with 'Rey' film but there has been no update about the movie since eight months. Even director YVS Choudary failed to address the media about its delay and the uncertainty is still going on. So the makers of Sai Dharam's second film 'Pilla Nuvveleni Jeevitham' decided to go ahead with its release.
'Pilla Nuvvuleni Jeevitham' music is slated for release on Sunday in Hyderabad while the entire Mega Heroes are expected to grace the event [not sure about Pawan Kalyan] and the film might release on November 14. So the situations look inevitable that 'Rey' is unlikely to have a release and we can say that 'Pilla Nuvvuleni Jeevitham' will be first film of Sai Dharam as per box office release.
The film features Regina while has music of Anup Rubens.
(AW: Vamshi)