Megastar Chiranjeevi's nephew Sai Dharam Tej's second film 'Pilla Nuvvuleni Jeevitham' has completed its shooting and is awaiting for audio release on October 18th. However, the makers of the film have postponed the audio release event by a week due to the hudhud cyclone that damaged the Uttarandhra region of Andhra Pradesh state.
The fresh audio release date of 'Pilla Nuvvileni Jeevitham' is October 25th and Hyderabad is likely to be the obvious venue. All the Mega heroes are expected to participate in the audio release program however, Pawan Kalyan's presence is still in suspense. It's been a while that Pawan appeared in a Mega family event and fans are quite eager to see all the Mega heroes sharing the stage together.
Anup Rubens scored music for 'Pilla Nuvvuleni Jeevitham' and with back-to-back musical hits, the album is carrying good expectations.
(AW: Vamshi)