Not only with mainstream films, Alia Bhatt is also busy with short films these days. Her latest short film 'Going Home' is directed Vikas Bahl of 'Queen' fame which is made on women safety. The video opens with Alia who is on her way to home in her car. Alia's parents call her to find about her whereabouts and as she disconnects the call, her car suffers a break down.
On the opposite side, five guys in a car see Alia stuck and come near her car. Without any fear, Alia steps out of the car and asks them to drop her at home. She locks her car and gets inside the guys car, sits among them. She shows them the direction of the home and Alia finally lands at her home. The video makes us to think, ‘Can we make the world a better place for women.’
Can we ? Here is the video:
(AW: Vamshi)