Director Ram Gopal Varma criticised Tollywood stars who helped the hudhud cyclone victims in his own style. Taking a dig at everyone, RGV posted in his Twitter saying, “Am shocked tht stars who hav100s of crores frm people r gvng jst a few lakhs to vizag..Thy r gvng lots of love n prayers bcos they are free.” He also questioned what sin did Vizag people commit to face such destruction.
“If a natural disaster is an act of God what pleasure does God take in such destruction? I can't believe that everybody in Vizag is a sinner that he wanted to punish everybody...but ofcourse God knws bettr and I am jst a commoner,” wrote RGV.
These comments may not go well and we have to see who and how many will respond to RGV.
(AW: Vamshi)