Director Gunasekhar who is shaping up magnum opus 'Rudhramadevi' is expecting a tax waiver from the government of Telangana as the film is based on the state's culture and history. Generally we find this tax waiver in Tamil Nadu and if any film is titled in Tamil language, the for sure a producer will get tax waiver. Also recently we have few films like Mary Kom getting tax exemptions but on issue basis.
The makers of Rudhramadevi are yet to approach the government of Telangana and CM KCR is pushing for the culture and heritage of the state, is most likely to grant tax waive to the film. Currently the post production works of the film are in progress and when 'Rudhramadevi' completes censor formalities, then the makers in thoughts to appeal to the government for tax waiver.
Rudhramadevi has Anushka playing the title role while Rana, Prakash Raj, Krishnam Raju, Nitya Menon, Hamsa Nandini, Aditi Chengappa will be seen in vital roles.
(AW: Vamshi)