Hero Ram's first look has been revealed from his upcoming movie 'Pandaga Chesuko' on the eve of Eid yesterday. Ram was seen absolutely stunner in this first look and got a good response from the movie buffs. The shooting of the film nearly completed half of its portion and is currently progressing in Hyderabad in which hero Ram and heroine Rakul Preet Singh are taking part.
“Thank you ALL for the Super Response..Glad u all Liked the New Look :) .. #PandagaChesko,” posted Ram in his Twitter account. Balupu fame director Gopichand Malineni is directing the movie.
Ram has not tasted success since two years and pinned all his hopes on Pandaga Chesuko. The film is expected to be out and out commercial film with a cute love story. Hope as the first look, the movie also impresses the audience!
(AW: Vamshi)