Akkineni Akhil's debut in Tollywood is a much talked topic now. On his birthday earlier this year, Akhil has confirmed that he will be making his mark but since then there has been no sound about it. A glimpse of Akhil in Manam has caught the attention on tinsel town and are still waiting patiently.
Seems like everything is falling in its place slowly and Akhil has just posted in his Twitter account that the launch is shortly due.
“Hello my twitter buddies! As the summer leaves us and things are starting to cool down, I have announcements to make about my debut. I've been working on various things to prepare my self and the delay is not intended but it's best to be sure before starting. I apologise. Meanwhile I've planned something which I will share with you guys soon. Hope all is well with each and every one of you. #ANRLIVESON :),” tweeted Akhil.
So wait for just few more days and the grand launch is awaiting.
(AW: Vamshi)