Venkatesh and Pawan Kalyan who will be teaming up for the remake of Bollywood 'Oh My God' is yet to go to the sets. As the remake was announced, the title for the film was the headlines of discussion among fans and quite a few came up with their own titles and designs. 'Ori Devuda' and many more titles were rumored but there was no confirmation from the makers.
However, after several discussions, the makers have finalized a title for this remake project and they claim it as 'Gopala Gopala'. Apparently Pawan Kalyan will be seen as Lord Krishna in this film who will appear as a human being to Venky with the name Gopal. So the makers have zeroed upon 'Gopala Gopala' title for this flick. Anyways, the makers should confirm this news.
Shriya Saran will be pairing with Venky in this film whiel Anoop Rubens grabbed the chance of providing music. Ace cinematographer PC Sreeram will handle the camera.
(AW: Vamshi)