Mahesh Babu's upcoming movie Aagadu is nearing completion and the Tollywood folks are quite eager about Mahesh's look in the film. Now we hear that the makers of this film are planning to release the first look on Mahesh's father Krishna's birthday i.e, May 31st. This has been a sentiment for Mahesh and right from Dookudu movie, all his previous films first look posters and teasers were released on the very same day.
Currently the shooting is progress at Ladakh where a song is being filmed on Mahesh and heroine Tamannah. This is the second combination of Mahesh and Srinu Vaitla which being made on the backdrop of Rayalaseema.
Thaman is composing music and 14 Reels Entertainment banner is producing Aagadu. Hope Mahesh sentiment continues to work!
(AW: Vamshi)