Tollywood's ace director SS Rajamouli has yet again put an end to the speculation that was floating in the Filmnagar for the past couple of days. It was in the air that, Stylish Star Allu Arjun will be doing his next with Rajamouli and the script for this was also finalized. But rubbishing all the rumors Rajamouli clarified that he is busy with Baahubali and will take a decision on his next project only after he is done with Baahubali.
“Though I luv2 work wid bunny,ther hasn't been ny plans r talks u c r mere speculations. won't b plannin nythin till #Baahubali is over,” tweeted Rajamouli in his micro blogging account.
In this tweet, we can clearly say that Rajamouli is looking forward to work with Bunny. Who knows, we might expect the combination. Fingers crossed!
(AW: Vamshi)