Anushka and Arya's "Varna" movie audio function was held at Hyderabad on Sunday in a grand way. A huge cutout was placed in front of Shilpa Kala Vedika that is very attractive and promising the high quality of the movie "Varna".
Varna is directed by Sri Raghava (Selva Raghavan for Tamilians) and produced under PVP banner. Sri Raghava is familiar to Telugu audience as he directed Venkatesh’s “Aduvari Matalaku Ardhale Verule”.
The move is a merger two stories at different times and worlds. Anuskha is playing dual role in the movie. The movie “Varna” is a high budget film with Anushka and Arya in the lead roles and with visual effects in international standards. Harish Jairaj scored music for the movie.
The audio function anchored by Suma by wielding a knife used in the movie by Anushka. She also made all the guests invited to the dais to wield it in their own style before they talked about the movie and before releasing the songs in audio one by one.
As “Varna” is coming after a long time from Kodi Ramakrishna’s “Arundhati”, expectations are going very high on the movie that is going to be released on 22nd November.