Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is coming. He is planning to talk to fans at a success meet planned for this Sunday at Shilpa Kala Vedika. With the resounding success of Attarintiki Daredi, the entire team of AD is coming forward to address a large gathering this weekend.
Appearances like these only happen once in a blue moon. It is a rare opportunity to catch Powerstar in a public meet and it was made possible with the record breaking response for Attarintiki Daredi at the box office. Producer BVSN Prasad is very grateful to fans and viewers for standing up to piracy and making it possible to take this film to great heights.
At a press conference, he expressed that there is honesty among us still. He also said that he will never forget the unconditional support of Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram during those nail biting days. The entire cast of AD has made its happiness known over the success. As of this week, Attarinitiki Daredi broke AP first week collections record in just 4 days, crossing Mahesh's SVSC collection of Rs 24.25 Crores.
In the four days since its release, AD collections stand at Rs 25.78 Crores in AP alone. The film is also doing good business in Tamil Nadu, breaking more Telugu film records there. Combined with revenues from all over the world, Attarintiki Daredi is expected to make nearly 60 Crores in the first two weeks.
Many factors have worked for the film. Besides Powerstar's presence, some of them include wonderful comedy, witty dialogues, Samantha and Hamsa Nandini. On 5th October, there will be a fans tsunami at the Attarintiki Daredi success meet in Hyderabad.
(AW: Sruthi)