Jr NTR has finished with the shooting for Ramayya Vasthavayya and has moved on to other projects. He is currently shooting for his next film and has also shown his interest for a film with Sukumar. A script offered to NTR impressed him for its 'different' presentation that Sukumar is capable of.
Hence, the actor will be working with the director for 'Intelligent.' Meanwhile, Koratala Shiva is at a loss again. Looks like another top actor has deserted him.
Another member of the Ramayya Vasthavayya team, director Harish, is also going ahead with new plans. It is said that, working with a Mega hero is usually difficult. But, the Gabbar Singh director has proven his mettle and managed to get the assurance of Allu Arjun to work with him. Currently shooting for Race Gurram with Shruti Hassan abroad, Allu Arjun may soon work with Harish. Allu Arjun also wants to score a hit after the debacle of Iddarammayilatho.
That's the present status of Ramayya Vasthavayya's two most important men.
(AW: Sruthi)