Kalyan Ram's 'Om' Telugu movie's audio release was done in a different style. Stills are shown on the big screen on the stage while live program of the songs were staged. Sai Kartik and Achu composed the music for the film.
The function is attended by Film Director Dasari Narayana Rao as Chief Guest, Nandamuri Harikrishna, Lyrics writer Sirivennela Sitarama Sasthri, actor Chalapati Rao and others. Kalyan Ram's daughter took out the first Audio CD of the movie and presented to Dasari Narayana Rao.
Kriti Karbanda and Nikisha Patel are playing lead roles in the movie where as Kalyan Ram is Hero of the film as well the producer the move 'Om' which is being created in 3D with a huge budget that promises a lot of action and romantic scenes. Sunil Reddy is directing the film.