Actress Nandita, who has acted in two Telugu flicks, has managed to grab a big project in Malayalam. London Bridge is the movie, which is going to be one of the high budgeted movies in Malayalam. Noted singer and actress Andrea Jeramaiah is also playing one of the female leads in the movie. In fact, it was actor Swati who was initially offered this role but then we are not sure as to where things have gone wrong. Finally, the buzz is that Swati is out of this project and Nandita has been okayed.
Prithvi Raj is playing protagonist in this movie, which is being directed by Anil Menon. The major part of the shooting will take place in London. Considering the budget and star cast of the film, this is certainly one of the biggest projects of Nandita, which can even shoot her into limelight if the movie fares well at national awards.
(AW Phani)