Allu Arjun starrer Iddarammailatho audio is going to be launched tomorrow morning. Expectations escalated even for the audio as the movie was scored by Devi Sri Prasad, who gave a musical hit to Allu Arjun in the previous movie, Julayi. Directed by Puri Jagannadh, Iddarammailatho seems to be a complete romantic and stylish entertainer. The major part of Iddarammailatho movie was shot in foreign countries. Already promos of Iddarammailatho have evoked solid response from the public. And people are really eager to listen to the songs of this movie, said observers.
The unique feature of Iddarammailatho movie is that Puri Jagannadh has gone completely digital for this movie for the first time ever. This is not the first time that Puri and Allu Arjun teamed up; earlier the duo worked on the movie Deshamuduru movie, which was an out and out mass entertainer. Iddarammailatho, on the other hand, looks more like a class movie. Whatever it is, the movie is surely going to be a treat to all girl fans of Allu Arjun as he appears as stylish as possible in this flick.
(AW Phani)