Megastar Chiranjeevi, after going to politics, disappointed his fans to some extent by sending them a message that he might not going to appear on big screen. However, with Amitabh Bachchan asking Chiranjeevi not to quit acting so soon, Chiranjeevi agreed to appear on silver screen again. But then there seems to be no better script that has appealed to Chiranjeevi keeping in view his current image in politics.
Now that Chiranjeevi is too busy as central minister, it was reported that Charan took up the responsibility of listening to the scripts that are coming for Chiranjeevi. Sources even said that four scripts are already in pipeline waiting for nod from Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan Teja is busy listening to these scripts besides going ahead with his acting job in Zanjeer and Yevadu.
Well, it looks like Chiranjeevi is going to accept some good project this year and enthrall his fans soon with his come back. Sources said that Amitabh Bachchan would play a guest role in the 150th movie of Chiranjeevi. We know, you all just can't wait anymore to see the dynamic actor yet another time on silver screen.
(AW Phani)