Rana-Vikram rift has been doing rounds on internet for the past couple of hours especially after Rana taking on Vikram on his micro blogging website over the alleged comments that the latter allegedly passed on him. It looked like the straight lines on Vikram seemed to have disturbed the versatile actor. Don't know how exactly the matter has been come to an end, but it was reported that Rana called up Vikram and tendered apology after the latter said that a particular section of the media misquoted him.
What Rana said initially:
"Look at Rana Daggubati. He started in the Telugu industry and came to Bollywood but he hadn't made any headway in the south. Now he's not bothered about the Telugu industry. To work in Bollywood, I have to leave everything and come here."
What Rana said later:
"Spoke to actor Vikram finally, says its a misquote from what he actually said. Glad the air is cleared apologies to him and his fans for my harsh reaction."
Anyway, it's glad that things are really settled and war of words didn't continue.
(AW Phani)