The film, Life of Pi Ang Lee's epic story about an Indian boy lost at sea for more than 200 days with a Bengal tiger has been the second most nominated film at the Oscars this year with 11 nods, has crossed USD 500 million mark at the global box office. In fact, it continues with it's moment of victory at the global box office.
Moreover, the 3D film, shot almost entirely with an Indian cast, has made 80 percent of its haul internationally. The Fox's film grossed USD 100.4 million domestically and USD 401 million internationally for a total of USD 501.4 million.
Starring debutante Suraj Sharma in the lead and actors like Irrfan Khan, Adil Hussain and Tabu, the film is competing at the Oscars next month with Steven Spielberg's Lincoln, which has 12 nominations.
It's indeed a moment of victory for Life of Pi!
(AW:Samrat Biswas)