Nani-Samantha starrer Yeto Vellipoindi Manasu is all set to hit screens on December 14. This news was confirmed by the film unit. There has been much hype on this movie given that it's directed by Gautam Menon. Music maestro Ilayaraja has composed music for Yetovellipoindi Manasu. Notably, music has been well received and movie is also most likely to become a block buster hit, said film analysts.
Shooting of Yeto Vellipoindi Manasu was completed long back and post production work was underway. This work would be completed by the end of the first week of YVM and by second week the movie will hit theatres. YVM is said to be a classic romantic tale between two persons who knew each other since childhood. Lets wait and watch whether YVM will become a super hit like Ye Maya Chesave.
(AW Phani)