Ram Charan Teja is going to rock Bollywood with the remake of super hit flick Zanjeer. It's a known things, at least for lakhs of mega fans about this project. Now, there's something interesting for your all. Ram Charan Teja-who is also shooting for Nayak-will be simultaneously shooting for Zanjeer in Hyderabad. A department of Apollo has become the centre stage for some crucial scenes of Zanjeer. Already, according to the sources, several lights and needed set up was in place on the hospital premises in Jubilee Hills.
This scheduled would last for about three weeks wherein scenes on Sanjay Dutta, Ram Charan and Priyanka Chopra would be shot. Notably, chairman of Apollo Hospitals, Pratap C Reddy became a relative of Ram Charan last year when he married Pratap Reddy's grand daughter.
(AW Phani)