The shooting of Action 3D is going on in full swing at Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad. This project is a 3D film, which is being produced and directed by Anil Sunkara. Hopes are real high on this movie given that Raju Sundaram is also playing one of the major leads besides Allari Naresh. One must be wondering under which genre this movie comes. In fact, this has been a topic of town ever since the news is out that Allari Naresh is going to appear in a 3D movie.
Well, so far film unit hasn't made any revelations about the script and plot. Film enthusiasts are just speculating that this movie would be a combination of action and comedy as well. Anyway, to all those who wish to see Sneha Ullal and Kamna Jatmalani in real have something to smile. They both are going to appear in this movie. Therefore, you can feel like there are in front of you. Another best part about this film is Bappi Lahari. Yes, this renowned musicial is scoring music for a Telugu film after a long gap. Lets hope that Action 3D escalates Allari Naresh's career graph.
Click here for Sneha Ullal hot photos.
Click here for Kamna Jetmalani hot photo.
(AW Phani)