Action 3D the first comedy 3D film in India audio launched on 22nd April on a grand scale in Prasads IMAX. Allari Naresh is all set to strike the Screen again with Action 3D Movie. Directors Kodanda Rami Reddy, Sreenu Vaitla, Boyapati Sreenu, Sukumar and Producers Adiseshagiri Rao Gemini Kiran and some other cast of the film prasent in the event. Jhansi hosted the event.
Allari Naresh, Kick Shaam, Vaibhav Reddy and Raju Sundaram play lead roles and Neelam Upadhyay, Sneha Ullal and Kamna Jethmalani as female leads.Bappi Lahiri and his son Bappa Lahiri provided the tunes for the film. The Movie has good demand in the Distribution rights in the Market. It is an Bilingual comedy film Directed by Anil Sunkara.