Following her predecessors like Kushbu, Jothika and Simran, even Hansika Motuwani feels Chennai as the right place to settle down. The Mumbai beauty was recently rumored to have had an affair with her co-star, who earlier was speculated to have romanced Nayantara. However sources reveal that this is no way affecting her decision which was taken up purely on professional fronts. The actor was off late living out of her suitcase, post her magnum success OK OK.
In her own words the milk beauty spoke to a prominent tinsel media, 'I am doing many movies in Tamil. My full concentration is upon Tamil cine field. So I have decided to get suitable location for myself in Chennai. My friends are suggested me to look for residence by East Coast Road. I am looking for a plot to raise a farmhouse. Actresses as Kushbu , Jyothika and Simran resided in Chennai as soon as they started doing Tamil movies. I am following their trail and build a resident here in Chennai.'
Yes you heard it from the horse's mouth directly, rush your proposals if any to the star, who is eagerly waiting for an ideal proposal. Well when I say proposal, I mean real estate proposal. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)