Good news to all those who enjoy watching Allari Naresh on big screen. The comedy hero, Naresh is all set to tickle the ribs of audience yet another time with a new flick, Kevvu Keka. The news was confirmed by Naresh himself on his twitter. He said Devi Prasad, who directed Blade Babji movie (casting Allari Naresh) would be directing Kevvu Keka. The movie script was getting ready, said film sources.
Currently director Devi Prasad is busy shooting Radhakrishnudu casting Sunil as the hero and the sources said that he (Devi Prasad) would begin shooting Kevvu Keka once he winds up Radhakrishnudu. Naresh's awaited film Sudigaadu (directed by Bheemaneni Srinivas Rao) is scheduled to be released in August. As of now, Allari Naresh is busy with shooting of 3D action film.
(AW Phani)