Superstar Rajnikanth's many films are kept in the pipeline because of his ill-health. In fact, two big movies, which were scheduled to release this year have been postponed indefinitely. Robot 2 and Sultan The Warrior Prince may not be released in 2012 and film makers themselves are unsure as to when these movies would be released. While Robot 2 is the sequel to the sensational flick Robot, Sultan The Warrior Prince is a complete animation movie wherein the animation character/hero of the movie will be a replica of superstar Rajnikanth. Sultan The Warrior Prince is being produced and directed by the younger daughter of Rajnikanth, Soundharya. She is the animation specialist.
Robot 2, on the otherhand, went pending as initially director Shankar wanted to go ahead with the project after he completes the adaptation of Bollywood flick 3 Idiots. And by the time shooting of the adaptation movie completed, superstar got hospitalized due to ill-health. The film unit said Rajnikanth didn't step into the studios for quite sometime for the shooting of Robot 2. Meanwhile, the special effects technician of Robot 2, V Srinivas Mohan (who also won national award for Robot) has said that Rajnikanth would be back soon. He said almost major work of Robot 2 was finiahed. However, animation and special affects work was pending, he added. He said he was afaird that Robot 2 may never take off.
For Sultan The Warrior Prince, Rajnikanth gave voice over other work demanded by the animation character. The movie has been postponsed apparently because Kochiyadaayan starring Rajnikanth and Deepika Padukone has taken the centre stage. Kochiyadaayan is scheduled to be released this December. Lets hope that the pending projects of superstar hit silverscreens soon.
(AW Phani)