Versatile actor Kamal Hassan, who has etched his name in golden letter in the history of India cinema, is going to come before everyone in new form—Viswaroopam. The legendary actor will apparently release a 30 second teaser of the film on May 1 on Internet. Notably, the big star is planning to use Internet for promoting his film—Viswaroopam.
This movie is being directed by Kamal Hassan himself and is jointly produced by Raj Kamal and PVP Cinema. Kamla Hassan-just like in his movie Dasavatharam-will appear in several roles in Viswaroopam. Veteran actor Shekar Kapoor is also playing an important role in this movie.
The film unit is yet to announce the release date of Viswaroopam. This movie-whether evokes good response at box office or not-is most likely to appeal film critics as Kamal Hassan never acts in a typical movie that has some good numbers, one masala dance, a few romantic scenes and exchange of dialogues between protagonist and antagonist.
Let us hope that this film should become a big success and attract the foreign film festivals. (Phani)