Legandary actor S V Rangarao’s grandson is all set to hit the silver screen. SVR is going to be introduced as a debutant actor by SVR Cine Corporation. The film was christened as ‘Mister 7’ and shooting is currently underway. While legendary N T Rama Rao’s grandson NTR became a star in Tollywood, whether the same formula will work out for SVR is still a big question. Mister 7 is directed by S R Charan Reddy. The shooting of Mister 7 was kick started on January30 and the film unit has told the media that the movie has completed talkie on April 4. Currently, the shooting of songs is going on in Bangkok, added the film unit. This song shooting is scheduled to be concluded on April 17, added the director.
Music of Mister 7 is scored by Munna. The audio of this film is likely to be released by the end of April whereas the film is scheduled to hit theaters in May. Briefing the media about the film, the unit has said that the title of the film received good response. The unit has also said that the movie would revolve around number seven and it would be full of twists.