Actor Manisha Koirala is planning for second innings. She is getting ready to don the role of an ageing prostitute in Deepti Navel’s directorial debut Do Paise Ki Dhoop Charane Ki Baarish. Manisha, who has shifted base to Nepal where she is married to businessman Samrat Dahal, admits that the part was mentally draining, “I shot for both, I Am and Deepti’s film, after I got married. Both were challenging roles and demanded a lot from me as an actor. To be able to get out of the newly-wed mode to essay these characters was unnerving but satisfying.”
“I play an ageing prostitute whose son (played by Deepti’s nephew) is born with a handicap.” The actor who has played a prostitute before, in the 2003 film Market, insists this role is “different” as she plays an out-of-work escort. However, the actor denies meeting any real-life prostitutes. “Deepti had already done a lot of research for the character and I am going by her brief,” says manisha.
Manisha says “These people have struggled a lot in their lives because they are misfits in society. It’s a movie about relationships, where they both become a support-system to one another.”
Besides this, Manisha will also be seen in two south Indian films — National Award-winning director Shyamaprasad’s film Electra and Mappillai by Suraj. Apart from this, she is acting in Rohit Kaushik’s Badalte Chehre.