Instant Messenger application WhatsApp has rolled out new features and now a sender can confirm whether the third person read your message or not. Two blue lines appear next to the sent message which indicate the recipient has read your message. This feature is made available right away and a user can notice them quite easily.
Android and Windows phone have this update however, iOS user are yet to receive this. In other news, the much-awaited free voice-calling or VoIP (Voice over IP) feature via the popular messaging service has been tipped again in leaked icons. This could have a launch in first quarter of 2015. WhatsApp also updated the FAQ pages and Message Info screen that now displays details of a message.
WhatsApp users in India will not be charged for subscribing to the app after one year which is common in other countries. The messenger application charges $1 as annual subscription charge but as Indian use less of credit card, the company has decided to keep its service free and it is confirmed by WhatsApp business head Neeraj Arora.
(AW: Vamshi)