Mobile phone giant, Nokia has added up another feather in its cap today by rolling up Asha 310, which comes with dual sim slot. Although the price is not yet announced, it's surely going to be a budget phone. The phone even boasts of Wi-Fi and supports 32 GB external storage. If we have to go by what the company officials say, Asha 310 has one of Nokia's best batteries, which can support 17 hours of talk time. Perhaps, this is one of the first smart phones to claims that big in terms of battery back up.
Coming back to technical specifications, Asha 310 has a resistive touch screen and has a 2 mega pixel rear camera. Also, this phone has got 40 free EA games and also has many applications such as Facebook, eBuddy, Twitter and Xpress Browser. It may be noted that Nokia has almost lost its share to smart phone majors such as Samsung and other companies that are rolling out many Android phones. As of now Nokia is just banking on its brand name. Let us wait and watch if it can regain its charm with Asha.
(AW Phani)